Monday, June 9, 2008

1. Ive grown up a little. I was pretty lazy at the beginning of the year but now I've have got a lot better. Now I'm finally going to pass freshman English.

2 My least favorite thing this year was the book Animal Farm. I thought it was very uninteresting. It seemed very childish to me.

3 The most challenging was probably the book Night. It was very hard to read because its so graphic. It was sad to read about how people were treated that way.

4 My favorite thing to learn about this year was the gods and goddess. Since i knew a lot about it already it helped. I think there very inteseting and sometimes even funny.

5 Freshman should do your homework. Listen to the teacher and dont slack off.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

In 2006 466 people were admitted to alcohol abuse treatment compared to 2004 there were only 264.

Percentage of students who ever used alcohol Grade 12 there's 88% in Sussex and the national is 75%.

2. Ive learned that Sussex county is pretty bad on the problems with drinking. Almost everything is higher then the national percent. I was surprised by that.

3. There are a lot of under age drinkers. I feel that teens drink is because there friends drink and they do it because they think its cool and there friends sometimes pressure them into it. Some drink because they think there is nothing else better to do. I think that some feel like that some think to have a good party it has to have drinking involved.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Gerald Nickelby

1. I do think young people grow up to quickly in today's world. Because now a days there is more school work to do then there use to be. There really is no time for kids to be kids. Some kids have to get a jobs at young ages so they can get what they want because no one else will get it for them. Some kids wanna grow up because they think being an adult is better then being a kid when in reality it isn't.

2. Gerald is different from an average because of what he has went through. He's been abused and his step sister was sexually abused and having to go though that whole thing with Jordan. He's been through a lot more then an average kid would go though. It affects him by him being a quieter and shy and remember what he's been though for the rest of his life.

3. I remember a time when i had an adult responsibility. I had to take care of my 4 year old cousin for the day. I was 14 and I had to take on an adult responsibility. I thought it was going to be hard but it wasn't to hard. It was kinda fun and interesting.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Child abuse statistics

Each day in the United States, more than 3 children die as a result of child abuse in the home.
In 2000, an estimated 1,200 children died of abuse and neglect—an average of more than 3 children per day. (Victims known to child protective services agencies, which track abuse and neglect in the home.) 1
Most of the children who die are younger than six years of age.
Of these fatalities, 85 percent were under the age of six; 44 percent of the children were under the age of one. 1
More children (age four and younger) die from child abuse and neglect than any other single, leading cause of death for infants and young children.
This includes falls, choking on food, suffocation, drowning, residential fires, and motor vehicle accidents. 2


Sunday, December 9, 2007


I'm so tired from work today. We all just got done running back here now they want to take a picture of us in our bunks. What is this picture gonna be used for. To show there family's what there doing to people. All i want to is get some food and go to sleep. But there is nothing to eat till morning. I wish i could go to sleep but these beds are so uncomfortable and hard. I don't even have a pillow. Its so hard to keep faith any more. It seems like god isn't gonna help us.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Outsiders post2


Dallas Winston

He was shot by the police because he was holding a gun the was later found out to be not real. We were told that he wanted to be shotbecause of depression of his friend dieing in the hospital earlyer that day. He was in the gang the greasers. He was a problem kid always getting introuble. He was caught robbing from a grocery store.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Outsiders post1

! I consider my best friends family because the always at my house as if they lived there.

@ The quality that make up my family are that there nice, kind, and courteous.

# No i don't only consider my relative as family i consider my best friends as family to.

$ I think the greasers are family. Their family because the take care of one another and watch each others back.